Snapphanefesten, or "Snappis", is our annual ball. Traditionally our members gather at AF-borgen during the last weekend of February. However, after 2023 the festivities will be held during the first weekend of September.

Next Snappis takes place 6-8 September 2024
The festivities begins on Friday with a Snappissittning at home in our nation locale. Where our friends have a chance to meet up and talk old memories, make new friends and celebrate the beginning of the weekend together.
During Saturday the ball is opened with a magnificent "ordenskapitel".
A long tradition that is still being kept alive to this day!
"Ordenskapitlet" includes loads of. well weird, traditions as well as giving out medals in various forms. Perhaps there will a bit of singing. You've really missed out on something if you haven't been on Snappis ordenskapitel!
It is also tradition that the Snappis council sow the medals themselves. Unique medals to say the least!
After ordenskapitlet, it's finally time for the thing we've all been waiting for - the ball itself.
With entertainment, speaches and party our Krischaniter really shows AF-borgen how to party!
Of course it's no ball without an afterpaty! Snappis of course has a wonderful dance floor - where our members really get the chance to show of their best moves!
Sunday means funday! At our "skandinaviska frokostbevaegelse" there's brunch on the schedule. Except brunch there's always time for a pool party!