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The House Board is Kristianstads Nation's Studenthouse highest decision-making body, laying out rules and policies and overseeing the work of the houseforeman and the house treasurer. 





The board consists of six representatives for the organisation Kristianstads nations studenthouse (KNS), two representatives for the tenants and one representative for the nation.


Representatives for KNS:

Inspector Charlotta Johnsson, chairman

Proinspector Ola Troedsson, vice chairman

House foreman Markus Edberg

House treasurer Dennis Olsson

Board member representing legal expertise - vacant

Board member representing other expertise - vacant​

House notary - Gustaf Waldén


Representatives for the tenants:

Ellen White

Leo Elfors


Representative for Kristianstads nation:

Qurator Tora Paulsson




KNS is a non-profit organisation owned by students, for students. Our goal and mission is found in the house statutes, which states that we should provide suitable housing for Kristianstads nation's member and also provide premises for the nation itself. It is only Kristianstads nations nation meeting whom can change our statutes. 


You can find our statutes here:




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