Kristianstad's most anticipated ball! Hosted by our Rooster, it is filled with funny traditions and stories. Here, our community meets up and all generations of krischanites hang out together.
Well honored subjects!
Göingar, Snapp roosters and Snapp hens, every year, I return in the beloved month of February to let you celebrate in my honor. Stay tuned, you don't want to miss it!
See you at Snappis!
Snappy greetings,
His Majesty Ursnapphanen
Chek out our dictionary to decipher the saying of our host!
Kristianstads Nation is the only Nation to host a yearly beer tasting festival for students!
Around Sweden and Skåne you can find a number of microbreweries. Despite this, most of the beer served in pubs and bars is mass produced.
At Kristianstads Nation want to challenge that. Because of this we are hosting Kristianstads Nations Beer Festival every Autumn, together with local microbreweries. An opportunity to develop your knowledge about beer and hang out in an original way!
NOVISH PARTY - The Torna Party
Every semester
Every semester, we welcome our new members with a great party. In the years to come, sittnings, concerts and clubs are to be expected. And since the more, the merrier, we organise this event together with our friends Helsingkrona, Hallands and Sydskånska Nations!
A fun time at Tornavägen awaits you. The Torna Party is a perfect opportunity for you to get to know both new and old students from the Tornanationerna, the nations of Tornavägen. Make friends and new memories!